Vydáno dne 03.10.2005
Důležitá slovíčka z prvních tří dílů seriálu The O.C.
verb - to leave someone (esp. someone who needs you)
noun - something unpleasant that happens by chance (not planned)
verb - to say that you are sorry and regret having done something
noun, American English - a person who speaks for people in the court and/or gives them advice about the law
adjective - absolutely excellent or great
verb - be required / expected to do something
verb - to let air out of your mouth quickly
verb - to destroy a building by fire
noun - an example of something, a situation solved by the police, a detective or a court
noun - a place where people are judged, where it is decided whether somebody is guilty or innocent
verb - to earn something good or bad because of what you have done
adjective - feeling silly or awkward, especially in front of people
verb - to stop being angry about something bad that somebody has done to you
verb - to take hold of something suddenly
adjective - not allowed to leave the house (as a form of punishment)
verb - to take place
noun - an area where a large number of similar houses are built (at the same time by one company)
noun - an act of putting your arms around somebody to show affection
noun - a thought, a mental picture
noun - an act of asking somebody to come to a place with you (a party, a restaurant etc.)
noun - a prison, a building where criminals are kept
noun - a person who has been educated in law and whose job is connected with law
noun, formal - a person who has legal responsibilty for a minor (a child or a young person)
adjective - in prison
verb - to dislike something, to have something against
adverb - living in a flat or house next to somebody
verb - to ask if somebody would like something
noun - a period of time when a criminal is released and has to behave well
verb - to stop doing something
noun - ability to be trusted or relied on
adjective - clever, intelligent, quick to understand and learn
verb - to find the answer to a question or problem, to find a way of dealing with a difficult situation
verb - to take something that is not yours
noun, informal - things (usually unspecified)
verb - to think, to have an opinion that
verb - to behave somehow towards a person
verb - to take things out of luggage or a package
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