Vydáno dne 03.10.2005
Slovíčka z článku na Help for English
noun - concentrating on something
noun - the way that you act
noun - an illegal drug made from the dried leaves of the hemp plant
verb - to continue, to go on
verb - to accept something unpleasant
verb - to think about something in a particular way
noun - a ceremony in which a new king or queen is installed
noun, informal - trouble
noun - a special anniversary
verb - to take away a person and request money or an action in return for bringing him/her back
noun - a special task that a person (or a group of people) is given
noun - a member of Adolf Hitler's political party (in Germany from 1933 to 1945)
noun - the clothes that are worn in a particular situation
verb - to concentrate and listen carefully
noun - people in general
phrase - an abbreviation meaning '(may he/she) REST IN PEACE'
adjective - connected with a king or queen
noun - the quality of a person who is not willing to smile or make jokes
noun, formal - a brother or a sister (formal)
noun - a hypothesis about something that is formed with little evidence
verb - to be or go all around something or somebody
verb - to behave somehow towards a person
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