Vydáno dne 03.10.2005
Slovíčka z článku o britské královně Alžbětě II.
verb - to go somewhere (e.g. a school, course etc.) regularly
noun - a meeting or a conference with an important person
noun - being worried or interested in something
noun - someone who has won in a battle
noun - saying that somebody deserves praise, approval
verb - to make somebody king or queen
noun - a period of ten years
noun - a nobleman of high rank (one who is in charge of a part of a country or of a small country)
noun - something that you must do
adjective - the oldest one
verb - to contain, to have something as a part
noun - a title used for a king or a queen
noun - a king or queen, a ruler of a country who inherits the right to rule
noun - a special time when something happens
noun - words that say that someone has done something well
noun - the head of the cabinet or government
noun - a horse race
noun - a change for the better, an improvement
noun - the power over a country, people etc. and use it
noun - a person, such as a king, who has the power over a country, people etc. and uses the power
noun - a place where people keep horses and/or other animals
noun - a sudden illness of a part of the brain
noun - a help, something that helps a project, people etc. to work; a financial help
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