Vydáno dne 05.12.2007
Opakování z testů 57–62. Otestujte si, co jste se z nich skutečně
naučili. (verze A)
Thieves have stolen a ________ painting by Picasso from a museum in Rome.
________ child can learn, but not at the same pace.
Anna's family is Roman Catholic, but ________, though baptized, is an atheist.
Friday the 13th ________ to be a day of bad luck in many countries.
Babies are very ________ to light and noise.
Do you like guacamole? – Sure, I love Mexican ________!
Will you marry ________ me, Janice? – Yes!
Ashley ________ to enjoy horror movies, don't you think?
I've ________ on three kilos since Christmas so I'm not very pleased with myself.
You think that the more money you have ________ you will be. But it doesn't work that way.