Vydáno dne 03.10.2005
Slovíčka z vánoční písně na Help for English.
verb - to let, to make possible, to enable
noun - a tree branch
adjective - loved, important to somebody
adjective - staying with somebody at all times; loyal
noun - the power that is believed to control what happens and how things end
verb - to come together, to pick things and put them in one place
adjective, dated - merry, cheerful
verb - to put something up in a way that the upper part is fixed and the lower part is loose, to be in such a position
noun - the shape that usually represents love
adjective - not heavy, easy to digest
adjective - happy, full of laughter
noun - one of the five senses that enables you to see with your eyes
noun - one of the many small lights that we can see in the sky at night, which are actually large balls of burning gas
noun - a problem or difficulty
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