Vydáno dne 17.12.2007
Slovíčka z vánoční písně na Help for English.
adverb - side by side
adverb - from a great distance
verb - to start to exist
noun - a person whose job is to make bread and rolls and cakes, etc.
noun - a person sitting or standing in the street who asks people for money
verb - to move in circles
noun - a person who plays the drums
verb - to go after somebody
noun - a person descended from the ancient people of Israel
noun - people or things standing in a row
noun - a meadow or a field where animals (cows, sheep, horses etc.) can eat grass
noun - a small stream
noun - a white farm animal that is kept for wool or meat
noun - a mark or symbol with a meaning
noun - a person who is in the army
noun - short stalks that are left in the ground after crops have been harvested
noun - the low place between hills or mountains
verb - to walk about without a particular goal or direction
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