Vydáno dne 03.10.2005
Slovíčka z Halloweenské epizody THE MISHAPS.
noun - the time when you go to bed
noun - a burner that produces very hot flame, it is used to remove old paint from a surface
noun - a broom made of thin sticks; a wooden handle of a broom
noun - clothes worn by an actor or special clothes worn at special parties, e.g. Halloween party
verb - to leave the tracks (esp. of a train)
noun - an mythical evil character that lives in hell and has two horns on his head
noun - a device that can be used to put out a fire
noun - a round tank with water used to keep a goldfish in
noun - a visible form of a dead person that can usually fly and go through walls etc.
noun - the thing that you are trying to achieve
noun - a small ugly supernatural creature which makes trouble for people (esp. in fairy tales)
noun - a machine that is used to cut down trees etc.
noun - an event, especially unusual or unpleasant
noun - a person whose job is to cut down trees
noun - a part of the house outside of the main door which has its own floor and roof, but not an outside wall
noun - a large orange vegetable (technically it's a fruit) similar to a melon
verb - to put sth together, esp. for a temporary use
noun - a piece of a broken thing, esp. glass
adjective - easy to slip on, very smooth
adjective - scary and mysterious
noun - a knot made by a thread and a needle
noun - a child in a costume who goes from door to door on Halloween and asks people for candy
adjective - evil, very bad
noun - a woman (usually old) who can do magic and e.g. fly on the broomstick, make potions etc.
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