Vydáno dne 03.10.2005
30 slovíček z první epizody seriálu Futurama
verb - to leave someone (esp. someone who needs you)
noun - a creature from a different planet
noun - the space between two lines that meet at a point
noun, informal - the soft part of your body that you sit on (very informal)
verb - to give someone a task or job to do
verb - to make something curved
noun - a small area with walls used for particular purposes (e.g. phoning, voting etc.), it looks like a box
noun, informal - a close friend (esp. one who you spend a lot of time with)
noun - the succession of jobs you have
noun - the goods that are carried by a large vehicle (e.g. by ship, plane, etc.)
noun - the people working on a ship etc.
noun - a choice you make after having thought about the options
noun - the act of taking something to somebody, usually something that has been ordered or sent
noun - a person (esp. a young man) whose job is to make deliveries
noun - a kind of quiet and serious behaviour that makes other people respect you
noun - the power that is believed to control what happens and how things end
noun - somebody who is running from the police, somebody the police are looking for
noun - a steel beam, esp. one used to support a structure
noun, informal - a person who is very unlucky and fails in everything
adjective, informal - very bad, lame
noun - the son of your brother or sister
verb - to stop doing something
noun - a member of the same family
noun - destroyed buildings
adjective - very clean and bright, polished
noun - the immensely huge place where there are stars, planets etc.
noun - a vehicle used for travelling between planets or stars, it usually appears in sci-fi
noun - the act in which a person kills himself/herself deliberately
verb - to behave somehow towards a person
noun - a metal thread
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