Vydáno dne 03.10.2005
Další důležitá slovíčka ze seriálu The O.C.
adverb - as a matter of fact
noun - a metal ring with a net which is used in basketball
verb - to say that something is the fault of somebody, that somebody is guilty of something
noun - the kind of school where you can study after secondary school or high school
verb - to say that you are not happy or satisfied with something
adjective - very nice, very pretty (usually about something small, such as a child, pet etc.)
noun - a person who is in charge of a particular division of a university or a college
noun - the money you owe to somebody
noun - the act of saying that something is not true or that something did not happen
verb - to say that something is not true
noun - a feeling of not being sure about something
adjective - stupid, not intelligent
verb - to like something especially something that brings you happiness
noun - an occasion that has been organized and that is attended by many people
verb - not to pass (a course, an exam etc.), not to let a student pass (a course, an exam etc.)
verb - to break, to break into pieces
noun - somebody's responsibility for a problem, for a mistake etc.
verb - to make somebody do something, using force
noun - a rude remark that you say to hurt somebody
noun - something that matters; something in question; the subject of a discussion
verb - not to tell the truth
noun - a bad or scary dream
noun - a chance to do something
verb - to put your things into bags, suitcases etc. before go on a trip etc.
noun - a medicine that stops or eases pain
verb - to make somebody remember something
verb - to damage something, to make something lose its value, function, beauty etc.
verb - to stop being boyfriend and girlfriend / husband and wife etc., to break such a relationship
verb - to be very hungry, to have nothing to eat for a long time
noun - a person who is in a very bad condition
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