Vydáno dne 03.10.2005
30 slovíček z druhé epizody seriálu Futurama
noun - a park with rides (such as a ferris wheel, rollercoaster etc.), stalls, souvenirs etc.
adjective - man-made, not natural
adjective - absolutely excellent or great
noun - a large farm building where crops can be stored
noun - the organ that we have inside our head, we need it to think and feel etc.
noun - an advertisement on TV or radio
noun - counting backwards (esp. before something is supposed to happen - an explosion of a bomb, the launch of a rocket etc.)
noun - a box (usually made of wood) used for moving things in
verb, informal - to get rid of something which you do not want
adverb - sufficiently, as much as is needed, to a sufficient degree
adjective - very dirty
verb, taboo - to stop worrying about somebody or something, to ignore somebody or something
noun - a kind of rodent that lives in North America, it is also a symbol of Minnesota
noun - a person who is special for some people, esp. one who has achieved something great or one that is brave and strong
verb - to raise (esp. by using a mechanical device such as a crane etc.)
noun, informal - an informal word for a prostitute
noun, informal - a rude word for a very stupid or annoying person
verb - (of a plane) to come from the air to the ground
adjective - not wanting to do any work, slow, unwilling
noun - people standing in a line, usually waiting something
verb - to have a sexual intercourse with someone
noun - a number of things put together and covered in paper or in a box
adjective - one that can be depended on or trusted
adjective - that can be replaced
verb, informal - to stop worrying about somebody or something, to ignore somebody or something
noun - a suit worn by astronauts in space
noun - the flat top or outside part of something, e.g. of a table etc; the flat top of a body of water
noun - a set of two steel rails running side by side that a train travels along
adjective - evil, very bad
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