Vydáno dne 03.10.2005
Slovíčka z testu na Help for English
noun - information in the newspapers or TV etc. that tries to persuade people to buy a product, use a service etc.
noun - a thing that you buy at a lower price than usual
noun - a number of things fastened together (e.g. flowers, grapes, keys etc.)
noun - the place in a shop where you pay for what you have bought
noun - the amount of money that has to be paid for something
noun - a person who goes to a shop to buy things
verb - to take something to somebody, usually something that has been sent or ordered
noun - a large shop (usually with many floors) where you can buy almost anything
noun - a price that is lower than usual
noun - the money you give away for something, the cost of something (in money)
noun - a carefully designed complex of shops, restaurants, including a parking area etc.
noun - the goods that are offered for sale
verb - to ask a waiter for a certain food or drink, to ask a supplier to send you certain goods etc.
noun - a number of things put together
verb - to give money for something
noun - an amount of money paid
noun - the money that has to be paid for something, the value
noun, formal - something you have bought; the act of buying something
noun - people standing in a line, usually waiting something
noun - the act of making something lower or smaller
noun - an event when a shop is selling its goods at lower prices
verb - to give something to somebody for money
verb - (in a shop) to help customers, to give them goods etc.
verb - to give money to pay for something
noun - the goods that are stored in a shop ready to be sold
verb - to cover from all sides with paper etc.
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