Vydáno dne 03.10.2005
Slovíčka z testu na Help for English
noun, British English - a waterproof coat with a hood
noun - a piece of clothing that you wear over your other clothes to prevent them from getting dirty, esp. when cooking
noun - a kind of tie that men wear at very formal occassions, it looks a little like a butterfly
noun - material used for making clothes etc.
noun - the part of a piece of clothes that stands around the neck
noun - clothes worn by an actor or special clothes worn at special parties, e.g. Halloween party
verb - to fasten something (such as a zipper, buttons, etc.)
noun - a piece of women's clothing, it is usually long and covers the body from the shoulders to the knees or below
verb - to put on clothes for a special occasion
noun - the style of clothing that is popular at the time
verb - to have the right size and shape to be put on, not too big
verb - to put on clothes
verb - to make clothes larger or wider
noun - a waterproof raincoat
verb - to find the size, length, weight, etc. of something
noun - the clothes that are worn in a particular situation
adjective - without anything added, not decorated, simple
noun - a small flat bag inside your clothes where you can put your wallet etc, or your hands when it is cold
verb - to start to wear a particular piece of clothes etc.
verb - (of sleeves or trouser legs, for example) to make shorter by rolling up
noun - a statement of how large or small something is
noun - one of the parts of a shirt or a coat etc. that cover the arms
noun - formal clothes worn by men on special ocassions
verb - to make clothes narrower
verb - to remove something you have been wearing, e.g. a piece of clothes etc.
verb - to make clothes shorter
noun - a thin piece of cloth that men usually wear around their neck on formal ocassions
verb - to have something, usually clothes, on your body
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