Vydáno dne 03.10.2005
30 slovíček ze třetí epizody seriálu Futurama
noun, American English - the rooms that you use to live in, usually in a large building where many people live
noun - a hidden disadvantage
noun - a path of an electric current
noun, American English - a space in a wall with a door or a small room where you store things
adjective - respecting the feelings and needs of other people
noun - usage; the act of using something
adjective - (of a house, flat etc.) comfortable to live in because of its warmth and small space
adjective - very small in size, not very large, having very little space
noun, informal - useless, unimportant things (very informal)
noun, informal - a place which is very unpleasant and often dirty or messy
noun - a radio or television station
adjective - filled with energy (e.g. batteries)
adjective - very happy
adjective - not respecting the feelings and needs of others
verb - to get in the way of something, to prevent something from happening
noun, informal - a rude word for a very stupid or annoying person
noun - the glass part of a lamp etc. that gives out light
noun, American English - spirits, strong alcohol
noun - a huge crowd of people, especially a violent one
adjective - shocking, exceeding acceptable boundaries
noun - a bird that flies and hunts small animals at night
noun - the money you pay for using something which is not yours (e.g. a house, flat, office, boat etc.)
noun - space that can be filled with something
noun - a person who lives with you in your room or your apartment
adjective - not known to most people, hidden
adjective - not drunk, not under the influence of alcohol (or drugs)
noun - a journey during which you see several important places, and usually end in the place where you started
verb - to behave somehow towards a person
adjective - unhappy or worried
noun - the things or area that you can see from a particular place, e.g. from a window or a lookout point
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