Vydáno dne 03.10.2005
Reading, page 9
adjective - different from something else
noun - a story or other written work printed on paper and fastened together, it has a cover and many pages inside
adjective - not holding your attention, not interesting
noun - the meal which you have in the morning after you get up
noun - an area that has its own government
adjective - covered in dirt, not clean
verb - to end the day by lying down in the bed and sleep
noun - a musical instrument made from wood, played by hitting or strumming six strings
noun - the work that students usually get at school to do at home
adverb - in/on/to the inner part of something
noun - A sport event, e.g. in tennis or football
noun - something wrong that you do or think
noun - a woman who has a child
adverb - not ever, not at any time
noun - large pieces of paper printed with latest information about politics, sport, culture etc., it is often published every day
noun - a word for a thing, animal, person etc.
noun - the word indicating time when you tell someone what the time is
adverb - on the other side of something
noun - a call by the phone
adjective - for people in general, able to be used by everybody
verb - to cut off hair, beard etc. completely with a razor
adjective - not known
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