Vydáno dne 03.10.2005
Grammar, page 10
adjective - saying something positive, optimistic
preposition - a preposition used to express that somebody (or something) got their name from something or somebody else
noun - a machine that can be used to do maths, type, draw, play games, watch videos, listen to music, surf the internet etc.
noun - a sound B, C, D, F, G, H etc.
verb - to ride a bicycle, usually as a sport
noun - something that is known to be true
noun - a thing that you often do, usually regularly and almost without thinking
noun, British English - the study of numbers
noun, British English, informal - mother
noun - a thin soft cake made by frying a mixture of flour, eggs and milk, usually with the addition of a rising agent
noun - the mother and the father
verb - to do something regularly in order to become better at it
noun - a tense that is used for actions that happen regularly, are generally true etc. In questions and negatives we use DO / DOES / DON'T / DOESN'T
noun - a sentence that asks about something and expects an answer
noun - a law or order that tells people what they should or have to do
noun - the hottest season of the year
adjective - feeling weak and sleepy when you have worked too much or slept little
noun - a word expressing an action, activity or state
verb - to look at something for a period of time
noun - the coldest season of the year
noun - young age
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