Vydáno dne 03.10.2005
page 15, grammar 2
verb - to check in which ways things are similar and in which they are different
verb - to move your body in the rhythm of music
verb - to control a car; to go by car somewhere and sit behind the wheel
determiner - both, each of the two
adjective - bringing laughter and joy
adjective - not able to be done, not possible
noun - a tool, a thing that you use to do something
noun - a short funny story with a punchline that should make people laugh
noun - a piece of information written on a note or sent to somebody in another way
verb - to make picture by using paint and brushes etc.
verb - to move over snow on long narrow pieces of wood or plastic fastened to your boots
verb, British English - to mark something by a special symbol to show that you have done it, read it, etc.
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