Vydáno dne 03.10.2005
page 18,19, Holidays
verb - to take or receive sth
noun - a place to stay
noun, American English - the rooms that you use to live in, usually in a large building where many people live
noun - a large piece of luggage carried on the back
noun - providing food and drink for many people
adjective - full of people
noun - a very large grey African or Asian animal with big ears and a long nose (trunk)
adjective - making you feel intensive pleasure
adjective - having no empty space, having as much as possible
noun - a book that gives tourists valuable information about the country they are visiting
adjective - weighing a lot, not light
noun - a building with many rooms for guests where you can stay over night
noun - a piece of land in the middle of a sea, ocean, lake etc.
noun - a trip from one place to another
adjective - good-looking, pretty
noun - a place where, as some people believe, good people go after they die, where everything is perfect and everybody happy
noun - a place that you sit on or sit in (on a bus, in a theatre etc.)
noun - your own person
noun - an image or model of a person or animal etc, made of stone or metal etc.
adjective - not usual, difficult to understand
noun - dark glasses that protect the eyes against direct sun
adjective - full of sun
noun - a place for swimming built outdoors or indoors
noun - a large building where religious ceremonies take place and where people go to pray
noun - a shelter made of strong cloth that is held up by poles and ropes
noun - a piece of paper that enables you to use a train, bus etc, or lets you enter a theatre, cinema etc.
noun - the cars that are in the streets at a time
verb - to go and see a place or a person, usually as a guest
noun - a kind of hotel in which you share your room with other people, it is usually much cheaper than normal hotels
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