Vydáno dne 03.10.2005
page 32,33; grammar1
noun - a group of musicians playing together
noun - a sweet baked food made of flour, eggs and sugar etc.
adjective - costing a lot of money, not cheap
noun - a machine or device that makes the air move
verb - to talk to somebody in an informal way
adjective - costing little money, not expensive
verb - to own or manage something (such as a house, a shop, etc.)
adjective - anxious, worried or afraid of something
verb - to look for something carefully
noun - one of the two parts of a year at a school or university
noun - a thing that you hold above your head when it is raining in order not to get wet
verb - to go and see a place or a person, usually as a guest
verb - to be anxious, to fear that something bad might happen
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