Vydáno dne 03.10.2005
page 34,35; What's on TV
verb - to have the same opinion as sb/sth
verb - to say that you are sorry and regret having done something
noun - a funny animated film
noun - a type of film that makes people laugh
noun - a person, usually a policeman, who tries to solve crimes
adjective - happening at home or connected with one's home or home country
noun - a person who shows you round a place which you don't know well
verb - to take place
noun - a radio or television station
noun - a person whose job is to cook or direct the work of other cooks
adjective - having a lot of money and wealth, not poor
verb - to be the main actor or actress in a film or play
adjective - not usual, difficult to understand
verb - to turn off (the light etc.)
verb - to turn on (the light etc.)
noun - true facts or information
verb - to move the controls of a radio in order to find a station
verb - to reduce the volume (of a radio etc.), to make something less loud, hot, strong etc.
verb - to roll something over; to put something upside down
verb - to make something louder, hotter, stronger etc. by using controls on a machine etc. such as a radio
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