Vydáno dne 03.10.2005
page 16; Culture focus
noun - the money you pay to enter somewhere (e.g. a museum, gallery etc.)
adjective - wonderful and exciting
noun - an attractive place or thing
noun - the red liquid that flows inside our body
noun - the basic and smallest living unit of a living organism
noun - the act of making something better, bigger, more active, more complex etc.
verb - to find or see something that nobody has seen or even known of before you
noun - the teaching and training of people
noun - a vehicle used by fire-fighters
adjective - connected to the environment
verb - to look at something well in order to find something
verb - to bring pleasure, joy and thrill
noun - a display of something, e.g. paintings, sculptures etc.
verb - to go after somebody
noun - the time that will come, the things that will happen to us
noun - one of the things on a list
noun - the feeling you have in a part of body that has been hurt
noun - a thick tropical forest where it rains a lot
noun - room, empty place
noun - water in the form of gas; the gas produced by boiling water
noun - the part of the body that is located between the chest and the hip, the belly
noun - a kind of red vegetable that is used for example for making ketchup
noun - a thing that children play with
noun - the underground transport system in London
adjective - broad, large from side to side; not narrow
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