Vydáno dne 03.10.2005
page 37–39; grammar 2,writing, quick check
adjective - wonderful and exciting
noun - a long thin piece of wood
verb - to take something that has been moving into your hand
noun - a sound B, C, D, F, G, H etc.
verb - to make twice as big
preposition - apart from
noun - a thing that you often do, usually regularly and almost without thinking
verb - to contain, to have something as a part
noun - a building or a room where you can read a book or borrow it
noun, American English - a story you can see in the cinema or on video or DVD
adjective - taking a long time, never ending
noun - a device that is connected to a computer and puts text or graphics on paper
verb - (of water) to fall from the sky in the form of little drops of water
noun - a written or spoken evaluation of a book, film, play etc., which usually appears in magazines, on TV etc.
verb, British English - to go through something you once learned in order to remember it better, e.g. before a test in school etc.
noun - a kind of study of natural laws etc, e.g. physics, biology etc.
noun - a part of a TV set or a monitor that shows films, graphics, texts etc.
verb - to pick one from a number of options or possibilities
verb - to give something to somebody for money
noun - a body movement with a meaning; something that is seen and has a special meaning for somebody
noun - room, empty place
noun - a part of a radio, TV etc. that produces the sound
verb - to turn off (the light etc.)
verb - to turn on (the light etc.)
noun - the sound a, e, i , o u, etc.
noun - a place on the internet containing a set of pages with information etc.
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