Vydáno dne 03.10.2005
page 40, Strange encounters
verb - to disagree with somebody and talk about it
noun - the lowest part, the base on which something stands
noun - a person who climbs mountains
verb - to hit something violently, e.g. as an accident in a car etc.
adjective - not safe, could cause injury or death
noun - a meeting (esp. one that hasn't been expected)
noun - a fairy tale creature that looks like a very big, tall and strong man
adjective - covered with hairs
noun - a statement of how long something is
adjective - very strong and mighty
adjective - true, not imagined
noun - a person who comes to live to a place where nobody or not many people lived before
noun - the part of the body of most animals (dogs, cats, monkeys, fish etc.) that grows at the back and can be usually moved
adverb - unluckily
noun - a very large sea animal that looks like a very large fish
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