Vydáno dne 03.10.2005
page 42–43, grammar 1
noun - a creature from a different planet
verb - to come into sight, to be seen suddenly
noun - a place where you go camping, you can put up a tent or make a fire there
verb - to become impossible to see or find
verb - to know through your senses, to be in a kind of physical or emotional state
noun - a visible form of a dead person that can usually fly and go through walls etc.
verb - to take place
verb - (of a plane) to come from the air to the ground
noun - a loud sound, loud sounds
noun - a large vehicle that travels on water or through space
noun - the air above the land with clouds etc.
noun - a vehicle used for travelling between planets or stars, it usually appears in sci-fi
verb - to make somebody very frightened
preposition - in the direction of
verb - to stop sleeping, or to cause somebody to stop sleeping
noun - a small forest, a place with many trees
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