Vydáno dne 03.10.2005
page 46–47, Race to space,grammar 2
noun - something that has been managed, esp. through hard work etc.
verb - to have with you, e.g. in your pocket or your hands
verb - to make something better, larger, more active, more complex, etc.
verb - to examine something new carefully
verb - to discover, to receive information
noun - a border between countries
noun - a trip from one place to another
verb - to set on water (a boat etc.), to send into space (shuttle, sattelite etc.)
verb - to operate something, to have a person control something (a machine etc.)
adjective - artificial, not natural
noun - a special task that a person (or a group of people) is given
noun - the body that moves around the earth at 28 day intervals, any natural satellite of a planet
noun - a place where certain sports are played (e.g. cricket, baseball etc.)
noun - something that happens because of an action, event etc.
adjective - that can be used again
noun - a vehicle that can travel from earth to space and back and be used again
noun - a statement of how large or small something is
verb - to reduce speed
noun - the system of planets orbiting the sun
noun - a vehicle that can travel into space
noun - a machine with a keyboard that you use for typing
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