Vydáno dne 03.10.2005
page 50–51,Revision Units 3 and 4
noun - a short period between lessons or at work, when you can rest
noun - a small thing that is pressed in order to operate a machine etc.
verb - to move up or down a steep place using your hands and feet
noun - an account of what something looks like
noun - a small machine with a particular purpose
verb - to contain, to have something as a part
noun - a new machine, design etc. that nobody has come up with before
noun - a small reptile with a long tail
noun - a small animal with two legs and two arms, it has got a long tail and can climb trees, it lives in Africa and other hot countries
noun - a large picture on a large sheet of paper which is fastened to the wall or a board
verb - to push something firmly
verb - to know again something or somebody you've met or known before
noun - a device that you can use to control your TV without having to get out of your armchair
noun - the hard material that Earth's surface is made of, it sometimes sticks up out of the ground or the sea
noun - a vertical surface of a rock
noun - the material consisting of very small grains that is found on beaches, deserts etc.
noun - a shelter made of strong cloth that is held up by poles and ropes
noun - a board or a sheet of paper with the arrival and departure times
verb - to roll something over; to put something upside down
noun - how loud or silent something is
noun - the side of a room or house, it can be made of bricks or wood etc.
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