Vydáno dne 03.10.2005
page 52–53, Long and happy life
noun - a person who is of age, not a child or a teenager
noun - something positive that can help you win or achieve something
adjective - living, not dead
noun - the body part connecting your shoulder to your hand, you have two of them
noun - a person whose job is to produce art, e.g. painter, sculptor, etc.
noun - a very young child
noun - looking after somebody, interest in somebody or something
noun - a son or daughter of your uncle or aunt
noun - a female child, a girl
noun - the food you can eat when you are ill or trying to lose weight
noun - a man who has a child
verb - to fight with a light sword
noun - the father of one of your parents
noun - the mother of one of your parents
noun - a son or a daughter, a very young person
noun - a small metal object which is used for locking and unlocking doors, starting a car, etc.
adjective - connected with medicine
noun - a person who belongs to an organized group of people, such as a club, team, political party etc.
noun - the age between approximately 40 and 60
noun - a woman who has a child
adjective - not well-behaved
noun - the son of your brother or sister
noun - the daughter of your brother or sister
adjective - not young or new
noun - spaghetti, macaroni, lasagna etc.
adverb - maybe, possibly
noun - the different aspects of a person's character that makes him/her different from other people
noun - a person whose job it is to take care of sheep etc. in a field
noun - a girl or woman who has the same parents as somebody
adjective - young, of the age between 13 and 19
noun - an alcoholic drink made from grapes
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