Vydáno dne 03.10.2005
page 63
noun, British English, informal - advertisement
verb - to make a formal request for something; to make a formal request for a job etc.
noun - a document that states how much you have paid or how much you have to pay (e.g. in a restaurant, or from a telephone company)
noun - the succession of jobs you have
adjective - very pleased
adjective - unhappy because something that you hoped for didn't happen
verb - to let something fall on the floor, to put something down
adjective - very very cold, temperature below zero
adverb - at once, without waiting or delay
noun - the person who has control over a business etc.
verb - to ask if somebody would like something
noun - learning or studying about something in order to discover new information or develop new things
adjective - not dangerous, not possible to be hurt
noun - the ability to do something well
adjective - having a large distance between its sides
adjective - not common or ordinary
noun - a woman who works in a restaurant, takes orders from customers and brings them food and drinks
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