Vydáno dne 03.10.2005
page 64,65; Grammar 1
adjective - having a strong feeling towards somebody, feeling as if you want to shout at them
verb - to take something to somebody, usually something that has been sent or ordered
noun - a place where people go when they are very ill or when they are injured
noun - a person whose job is to drive a car for somebody
noun - the text that an actor has to learn
verb - to have something no more; to put something somewhere where you can't find it
adjective - having good luck
verb - to be the same as
adjective - needed to do something, important to have in order to do something
noun - a woman (or a man) who works in a hospital and takes care of patients
noun - something that has to be done, something that you must do
noun - the act of asking for a service or goods
adjective - not rude; having good manners
noun - a woman whose job is to deliver letters etc.
adjective - not polite; behaving in an offending way
noun - the words that the actors have to learn in order to perform
noun - a lady (or a man) who works in a company and assists her (or his) boss, types letters, answers phone calls etc.
verb - to find an answer to something, to solve something
noun - a set of formal clothes consisting of a jacket and trousers or a skirt
noun - a thin piece of cloth that men usually wear around their neck on formal ocassions
verb - to stop a machine etc. by using a switch
noun - a person who works in a restaurant, takes orders from customers, and brings them food and drinks
verb - to have something, usually clothes, on your body
verb - to be anxious, to fear that something bad might happen
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