Vydáno dne 03.10.2005
page 84,85; Climbing to the top
noun - something unpleasant that happens by chance (not planned)
adjective - quiet and peaceful
verb - to continue, to go on
verb - to move up or down a steep place using your hands and feet
noun - things that are necessary for an activity
verb, British English - to write information into a form etc.
verb - to become full, to make something full
adjective - covered with fog
verb - to go after somebody
noun - the state of being without an illness
noun - an activity that you like doing
verb - to wait; to continue doing something; not to give up
noun - something that is difficult to do
adverb - in the place of
verb - to end somebody's life
verb - to be expecting something pleasurable with longing
noun - something wrong that you do or think
verb - to take something in your hand
verb - to start to wear a particular piece of clothes etc.
noun - a strong string that is used for climbing or lifting heavy things etc.
verb - to make somebody feel frightened
noun - feeling safe; protection from danger
verb - to lift your body and be on your feet
noun - one of a series of actions that you do to achieve something
adjective - extremely bad
verb - to prove to be in the end
adjective - covered or soaked in water
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