Vydáno dne 03.10.2005
page 102,103;Mountain sports
noun - something unpleasant that happens by chance (not planned)
verb - to come into sight, to be seen suddenly
adjective - having to much flesh and being too heavy
verb - to climb down (e.g. from a bike, horse etc.)
noun - one of two equal parts of something
verb - to come up with something, a design, machine etc, that nobody has come up with before you
verb - to make clothes smooth and flat by using a special instrument with a hot flat bottom
noun - clothes etc. that need washing or have just been washed
adjective - more important than others of the same kind
adverb - not long ago; lately
verb - to hit a person or animal with your car etc.
adjective - foolish, not clever
noun - the ability to do something well
adverb - in a short time
noun - how strong something is
verb - to turn off (the light etc.)
verb - to fasten with a rope, cord, string etc
noun - a thing that children play with
noun - the thick dark rubber tube around a wheel of a car, bike, motorbike etc.
noun - a round object that turns to let a vehicle, such as a car, move forward
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