Vydáno dne 03.10.2005
page 106,107; Modern marketing
preposition - from one side of something to the other
noun, British English, informal - advertisement
verb - to have enough money in order to buy something or pay for something
noun - the state of being beautiful
noun - a short text under an illustration (one that gives a short description of the picture)
adjective - acting in a way that prevents damage or harm
adverb - certainly, undoubtedly
verb - to give work to somebody
noun - power, strength
noun - something that is sold or bought
noun - an effect, a result
adjective - not able to be seen
verb - to be very happy or amused and show it with an expression on your face and with sounds
verb - to match one thing with another, to connect or join
noun - very expensive and comfortable things that people do not really need but can enjoy them
verb - to speak about something in very few words and without giving much information
noun - 12 o'clock AM, the time when many people have lunch
verb - to make somebody believe something, esp. that they should do something
verb - to let the public know about a product in order to increase its sales
verb - to believe in somebody's honesty, sincerity etc; to rely on somebody or something that they say
adjective - great, full of exciting and surprising things
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