Vydáno dne 03.10.2005
110,111; Fashion and shopping
adjective - that can live or operate both in water and on dry land (usually about animals)
adjective - very old, belonging to a time long ago
noun - a person who has to travel to work every day (esp. a longer distance)
verb - to make something, to cause something new to exist
noun - a kind of puzzle in which you have to complete words correctly into square spaces
noun - a machine that makes something move, the inner part of a car etc. that makes it move
noun - an important part of something
noun - the activity or hobby of working in the garden, growing plants etc.
adjective - happening at once, happening immediately
verb - to own or manage something (such as a house, a shop, etc.)
noun - a place with smooth short grass
noun - a machine that you use to cut the grass
noun - a kind of umbrella that protects you from the sun
verb - to keep from harm, to keep safe, to prevent damage or harm
noun - the form of something
noun - water in the form of gas; the gas produced by boiling water
noun - a hard strong metal made from iron mixed with carbon, it is used for making knives etc.
noun - a substance that you put on the toothbrush and brush your teeth with it
adjective - resistant to water, not allowing it to go through
noun - a material that is made from tree trunks, it is used for making furniture or for burning in a fire
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