Vydáno dne 03.10.2005
page 116,117; Revision Units 9 and 10
noun - a place to stay
verb - to admit that something is true, valid, fair etc.
verb - to go somewhere (e.g. a school, course etc.) regularly
noun - a weapon made by a piece of wood and a string that is used for shooting arrows
verb - to send radio or TV waves through the air
verb - to think about something carefully
noun - a sightseeing tour, usually on a large ship
noun - a piece of cloth or other material, which you can use to cover a window, or for decoration
noun - being known and recognized for your achievements, successes etc.
noun - (the chemical element of atomic number 79) a yellow metal which is very valuable and which coins and jewels are often made of
adjective - extremely big, giant
noun - something that is difficult to do
verb - to hit something with your foot
verb - to have something no more; to put something somewhere where you can't find it
noun - a flat piece of metal given to somebody who has won in a competition or shown extraordinary courage etc.
verb - to make something ready, to get ready
noun - a place where criminals are locked up
noun - the material consisting of very small grains that is found on beaches, deserts etc.
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