Vydáno dne 03.10.2005
Slovíčka z testu na Help for English
verb - to make a formal request for something; to make a formal request for a job etc.
verb - to make necessary preparations for something to happen in the future
noun - a block of solid material, e.g. chocolate or soap
verb - to make a smooth substance using a blender
verb - to reserve (seats, hotel room etc) in advance
verb - to shout, to cry, to speak in a loud voice
noun - a large pot in which you cook and serve food
noun - a part of a meal (esp. dinner) which is served at one time
adjective - (of meat) with a lot of fat
verb - to add something to give the food a special taste
adjective - new, newly made, not old or tired, having much energy
adjective - cooked in very hot fat or oil, usually in a pan
noun - a small instrument that breaks food into small particles (when food is rubbed against it)
adjective - covered with fat or oil
noun - a portion of food served at one time
noun - the money that you get back in a shop when you pay more than something costs
noun - the bill (in a restaurant)
adjective - rather cold
noun - a glass container with a wide mouth, it is used e.g. for jam, pickles etc.
noun - a container, usually a piece of pottery with a handle and a lip for pouring liquids
noun - a pot with a lid and handle, it is used for heating water for a tea or coffee etc.
noun - a small book that comes with a product and contains general information about it, gives instructions, etc.
verb - to change into a liquid or to something soft (e.g. chocolate or cheese)
noun - a large cup, usually for coffee or tea
adjective - cooked below the boiling point (esp. about eggs cooked without the shell)
verb - to make a liquid flow somewhere
noun - a kind of document written by a doctor for a chemist, which allows you to use some kind of medicine
noun - a piece of paper that you get when you buy something, it shows how much you have paid for it
noun - a set of instructions for cooking something
noun - a kind of round metal pot with a handle that you use to cook in
verb - to taste something with pleasure, enjoying the flavour
adjective - (of a dish) not sweet, containing salt and spices
verb - to add flavour to, esp. salt or spices
verb - to put something (usually food or drink) in your mouth in order to test if it is good or not
adjective - having a large distance between its sides
noun - an amount of money given to the waiter etc. for his services
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