Vydáno dne 03.10.2005
Slovíčka z článku na Help for English
verb - to gain a success, to be successful in completing something, usually thanks to hard work
noun - the way you deal with something, the way you plan to deal with something
adjective - not formal (about clothes etc.)
noun - a kind of title you get when you graduate from a university, e.g. Ph.D., M.A., etc.
verb - to make something better, larger, more active, more complex, etc.
verb - to end (esp. something official)
noun - something that you must do
noun - trying hard, using strength
adjective - the oldest one
noun - a large piece of land owned by somebody, esp. in the country
noun - a person who gets things from somebody who has died
noun - an organisation that collects money from people in order to help people in need
adjective - ill-famed, having a bad reputation
verb - to include someone or something in an activity, to make use of something or somebody in an activity
noun - a kind of aircraft with a jet engine
adjective - liking to do something very much
noun - armed forces trained to make war at sea
noun - the clothes that are worn in a particular situation
noun - a game which is played on horseback and is similar to field hockey
noun - a position of a soldier in the army
verb - to put something in place of something else
verb - to leave a post or a job (esp. after a long time you have been doing it)
adjective - not appropriate because suggesting indecency or sexual impropriety
noun - a piece of information that people tell one another but which may not be true
verb - to travel on a boat driven by wind; to travel on water
adjective - following in time or order, happening after something
noun - the official chair where a king or queen sits
noun - a group of people who travel and perform together (e.g actors, dancers etc.)
preposition - not like, different from
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