Vydáno dne 03.10.2005
Hovorové výrazy ze sedmého dílu seriálu The O.C.
verb - to be absolutely sure about something
verb - to speak of yourself very proudly, usually in superlatives, to show off
noun, informal - people
verb, informal - to lose your nerve, to panic
verb, informal - to understand
verb - to be seen (esp. accidentally) doing something bad, immoral, illegal etc.
verb - to make out (to kiss passionately) with someone (esp. with a person who you are not in a relationship with)
noun, informal - a place, such as a pub, club, restaurant, especially one that has a bad reputation
noun, informal - a disappointment
noun, informal - a situation when a person is overwhelmed with problems and cracks up completely because they don't know how to deal with them
interjection, informal - an informal way of saying 'no'
verb, informal - to visit briefly
noun, informal - usually a woman who has casual sex with a number of different men
verb - to arouse somebody, to stimulate somebody sexually
interjection, informal - an informal way of saying 'yes'
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