Vydáno dne 03.10.2005
Slovíčka z testu na Help for English
adjective - making you angry
adjective - angry and impatient
adjective - fearless, having courage
noun - the feeling of right or wrong in your mind
adjective - respecting the feelings and needs of other people
adjective - brave, not afraid of danger
adjective - that can be relied on or trusted, reliable
noun - strong will to do something
adjective - having been decided, having made up your mind about something
adjective - telling lies and deceptive
adjective - truthful, not pretending, not lying
noun - honesty, sincerity
adjective - full of thanks, thankful
noun - the wish to have more and more, never having enough
adjective - wanting to have more and more, never having enough
noun - telling the truth, not lying or stealing
noun - fear of losing a person you like or love because somebody else likes him/her too
adjective - very unkind and rude
noun - willingness to wait calmly; the ability to wait for something calmly
adjective - willing to wait calmly
adjective - not rude; having good manners
adjective - feeling good about yourself because of what you are, what you have or what you have done
adjective - being always on time
adjective - not polite; behaving in an offending way
adjective - thinking only about himself/herself, not about other people or their needs
adjective - not willing to smile or laugh or make jokes
adjective - feeling nervous about talking to people, especially strangers
adjective - not lying, not pretending something that is not true
adjective - friendly, enjoying spending time with other people
adjective - refusing to change opinion or decisions, not willing to do what people want
adjective - thinking about other people and their needs
noun - regard for other people, opposite of selfishness
adjective - having a sexual relationship behind your partner's back
adjective - not showing thanks, esp. when you should
adjective - not reliable
adjective - unkind and unable to understand the feelings of others
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