Vydáno dne 03.10.2005
Slovíčka z písně na Help for English
noun, informal - a slang word for a policeman
noun - the place on the border, on the airport etc. where your baggage is checked to make sure you are not carrying any illegal things
noun - a serious illness
noun - the wool of a sheep
verb - not to know something that you knew before
adjective - covered with fat or oil
verb - to wait for something good to happen
adjective - having an empty space inside, not solid inside
adjective - belonging to or related to a god
adjective - not wanting to do any work, slow, unwilling
noun - the soft parts on the outside of the mouth
noun - the feeling you have when something difficult or unpleasant is over
noun - something that you do regularly and almost without thinking about it
verb - to hurt someone with a knife or another sharp object
verb - to make fun of somebody in a playful way
noun - a journey to a place and back
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