Vocabulary test (The O. C.) 2b

Vydáno dne 16.01.2008

Deset otázek a/b/c/d zaměřených na důležitou slovní zásobu vybranou ze seriálu The O.C. (epizody 4–5). Verze B

Slovíčka, na která je tento test zaměřen, si můžete nejprve nastudovat a procvičit zde:
Okruhy slovní zásoby: The O.C. - Important words 2

  1. The man was hiding ________ the police because they were trying to arrest him for attempted murder.

    1. from
    2. of
    3. off
    4. to
  2. He always ________ his children because he wanted them to go as far in life as possible.

    1. expected
    2. meant
    3. supported
    4. treated
  3. The book was very interesting, but the ending was ________.

    1. disappointed
    2. embarrassed
    3. grounded
    4. weird
  4. She ________ a loan from the bank to pay for her car.

    1. hired
    2. made
    3. stole
    4. took
  5. Shut up! Nobody ________ what you think.

    1. cares
    2. happens
    3. means
    4. treats
  6. You should use a napkin after you ________.

    1. do your homework
    2. eat dinner
    3. take a shower
    4. wash your hands
  7. You can't tell me what I can and can't do! You don't ________ me!

    1. care
    2. mind
    3. own
    4. take
  8. She wasn't very happy with Jack and finally decided to divorce ________.

    1. from him
    2. him
    3. of him
    4. with him
  9. You can ________ from a variety of anti-virus software.

    1. choice
    2. choose
    3. chose
    4. chosen
  10. What do you ________ about my idea? Do you like it?

    1. care
    2. expect
    3. mean
    4. think
Tento test je součástí naší výukové aplikace englishme!, která nabízí tisíce podobných testových otázek, ale také spoustu jiných aktivit na zlepšení vaší angličtiny.
Správné odpovědi: 1) a, 2) c, 3) d, 4) d, 5) a, 6) b, 7) c, 8) b, 9) b, 10) d
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