Test: Hovorová slovíčka 7

Vydáno dne 18.01.2008

Test zaměřený na hovorové výrazy (převážně americké angličtiny).

Doplňte do každé z následujících deseti vět jedno slovíčko z tabulky. Slova musí být použita v tom tvaru, ve kterém jsou v tabulce.



1. I'm absolutely ___________________________(1) that this song of yours is gonna be a smash hit.

2. My little son had a major ___________________________(2) when I said it was time to leave the toy shop.

3. He's such a ___________________________(3) ! I can't believe he cheated on his girlfriend with her best friend!

4. Where have you been all night? Mom was ___________________________(4) out!

5. I accidentally walked in on them this morning. I ___________________________(5) in just to say ‚hi‘ and there they were, making out on the floor.

6. I don't like tree-huggers. Most of those ___________________________(6) don't know squat about the environment!

7. Guys often ___________________________(7) about themselves to impress girls but I'm not buying any of that. They're just full of crap.

8. I don't ___________________________(8) it! How can a chick like her date a guy like him?

9. Let's find another ___________________________(9) . This one sucks!

10. She gave me this sexy look but it didn't really ___________________________(10) me on. I'm not into blondes, anyway.

Správné odpovědi: 1) positive ; 2) meltdown ; 3) slut ; 4) freaking ; 5) popped ; 6) folks ; 7) brag ; 8) get ; 9) joint ; 10) turn

Slovíčka z této lekce si můžete nastudovat a procvičit zde:
Okruhy slovní zásoby: Slovíčka z filmů a seriálů: The O.C. 1x07 - Colloquial words

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