Vydáno dne 03.10.2005
Slovíčka z článku na Help for English
noun - a detailed study of the structure of the human body (or animals etc.)
noun - attraction, something that interests you or stimulates you
noun - a piece of clothing that you wear over your other clothes to prevent them from getting dirty, esp. when cooking
noun - one of the tubes through which blood flows from the heart into other parts of the body
verb - to make someone feel very interested in something, to attract
noun - an example of something, a situation solved by the police, a detective or a court
noun - a period of one hundred years
noun - the end of something, the opinion formed after having gone through everything
adjective - giving proof, giving a definitive answer to a question etc.
noun - the object or objects that give a reason to believe something
adjective - made to look like something or somebody
noun - a person who likes to spread information about other people's private lives and their behaviour, which doesn't always have to be true
verb - to hold something firmly in your hand
adjective - ill-famed, having a bad reputation
noun - an effect, a result
adverb - at first, at the beginning
noun - one of the two organs in your body that separate waste liquid from the blood
noun - an organized search for a person (esp. by the police etc.)
noun - a person who killed somebody deliberately
verb - to damage or injure severely
verb - to represent something (e.g. in a picture, music etc.)
verb - to take away from something; to take off; to get rid of
noun - learning or studying about something in order to discover new information or develop new things
noun - something that you get because of something good you have done
verb - to tear quickly or suddenly
noun - a murderer who kills several people, one after the other
verb - to make a long narrow cut with a knife etc.
verb - to squeeze someone's neck to prevent breathing
noun - a doctor who performs operations
noun - a person who is thought to have committed a crime
noun - a feeling that something bad happened or that something is true, without knowing it for sure
noun - the front part of the neck, especially the tube in it; the back part of your mouth
noun - a person who is hurt or killed in an accident etc; a person against whom a crime has been committed
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