Vydáno dne 03.10.2005
Slovíčka z testu na Help for English
noun - a number of things fastened together (e.g. flowers, grapes, keys etc.)
noun, American English - a book with recipes
noun, British English - a piece of kitchen equipment that has an oven and electric or gas rings to cook on
noun - the center of an object, the central part of something
verb - to empty the toilet by letting water go through it
noun - a small tool with sharp points, we use it when we eat for putting meat etc. in our mouth
adjective - (of food) broken into small particles by rubbing it against a special instrument
adjective - broken into very small particles, usually in a special instrument
noun - a glass container with a wide mouth, it is used e.g. for jam, pickles etc.
noun - a container, usually a piece of pottery with a handle and a lip for pouring liquids
noun - a pot with a lid and handle, it is used for heating water for a tea or coffee etc.
noun - food that has not been eaten (and may be saved for later)
noun - a large oval piece of something, esp. bread
verb - to make something soft by pressing, mixing or crushing
noun - a large cup, usually for coffee or tea
adjective - (of wine) hot and with spices
noun - a number of sheets of paper fastened together, used for taking notes etc.
noun - the covering of a fruit or vegetable
noun - an instrument made by two crossed pieces of metal, it is used for holding things firmly, pulling out nails etc.
noun - a flat round dish that you eat from
noun - a substance that is in very small particles
noun - that what is left when something has been destroyed, taken away or used
noun - the hard skin of some fruits (e.g. lemon) or some kinds of cheese etc.
noun - a kind of round metal pot with a handle that you use to cook in
noun - a small round flat dish, you usually put a cup of tea or coffee on it
verb - to break something into pieces, usually in a way that it cannot be mended
noun - an tool that you use for eating with, esp. for soups etc.
adjective - not fresh anymore, gone bad
noun, British English - a metal container in which some food can be bought (e.g. meat, fruit, sardines etc.)
verb - to cover from all sides with paper etc.
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