Vydáno dne 03.10.2005
Další důležitá slovíčka ze seriálu The O. C.
verb - to think about something or somebody with respect and pleasure
noun - something that someone tells you in order to help you and show you what you should do
adverb - as it appears, but not necessarily true
noun - responsibility to do something; a promise that you will do something
verb - to persuade; to make somebody believe something
noun, formal - (legal) the responsibilty for a child (of a parent or a guardian)
verb - to deal with something difficult
noun - injury, damage, wrong
noun - a statement of how tall or high something is
verb - to make somebody feel ashamed or embarrassed
verb - to cause somebody to feel pain, to injure
adjective - very foolish
verb - to include someone or something in an activity, to make use of something or somebody in an activity
noun - something that matters; something in question; the subject of a discussion
adjective - not wearing any clothes
verb - to damage something, to make something lose its value, function, beauty etc.
adjective - afraid of something, feeling fear
noun - feeling safe; protection from danger
verb - to end an argument
noun, informal - a chance to do something
adjective - very small, not important
verb - to take someone to court, to take legal action against somebody
noun - the act in which a person kills himself/herself deliberately
adjective - very difficult, hard
verb - to believe in somebody's honesty, sincerity etc; to rely on somebody or something that they say
adjective - unhappy or worried
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