Vydáno dne 27.01.2008

V tomto cvičení si můžete ověřit, zda ovládáte používání anglických kvantifikátorů ‚little‘, ‚a little‘, ‚few‘, ‚a few‘.

  1. I don't think she will pass the exam. She has too ________ knowledge of the subject.

    1. a few
    2. a little
    3. few
    4. little
  2. This job is so boring! There is so ________ work to do!

    1. a few
    2. a little
    3. few
    4. little
  3. I know this city quite well. I have visited it ________ times.

    1. a few
    2. a little
    3. few
    4. little
  4. There is ________ sugar left. Could you buy some?

    1. a few
    2. a little
    3. few
    4. little
  5. There are still ________ apples left. You don’t have to buy any.

    1. a few
    2. a little
    3. few
    4. little
  6. Could I have ________ cream in my coffee?

    1. a few
    2. a little
    3. few
    4. little
  7. The Irish alphabet has ________ letters in comparison to the English one.

    1. a few
    2. a little
    3. few
    4. little
  8. I can buy you a drink. I still have ________ money on me.

    1. a few
    2. a little
    3. few
    4. little
  9. Last year our country was not successful in the Olympics. We won ________ medals. We should have done better!

    1. a few
    2. a little
    3. few
    4. little
  10. Could you give me ________ help? I won’t manage it by myself.

    1. a few
    2. a little
    3. few
    4. little
Správné odpovědi: 1) d, 2) d, 3) a, 4) d, 5) a, 6) b, 7) c, 8) b, 9) c, 10) b
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