Vydáno dne 03.10.2005
Slovíčka z testu na Help for English
noun - a wooden stick used in baseball, cricket and some other sports for hitting the ball
noun - an event where many people are trying to be the best and win
noun - a person who takes part in a competition
noun - a kind of competition that tries to find the best, most beautiful etc.
verb - to win over somebody in a fight
verb - to jump into water head first
noun - a football player
noun - a competition whose winner is the fastest horse with a rider
verb - to be defeated (in a game, fight etc.)
verb - to get on a horse etc.
noun - a piece of sports equipment that is used in tennis etc. to hit the ball
noun - a person in a game or sport who prevents the players from breaking the rules, punishes players who break them etc.
noun - the competitor who finishes a race second
verb - not to allow a player to continue playing for some time because he has broken the rules
adjective - not defeated by anyone
noun - an instrument that can produce a very high sound; a musical instrument that produces high notes and is played by blowing
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