Vydáno dne 03.10.2005
Vocabulary a listening, page 36–37
verb - to have a dull continuous pain
noun - coins and banknotes
noun - the person in a bank or shop that you pay money to
noun - a shop where you can buy shirts, trousers etc.
noun - a health problem the symptoms of which are sore throat, cough, runny nose, temperature and headache
noun - a substance that you put on your hair after you have washed it
noun - a person who goes to a shop to buy things
noun - a substance that hides or masks unpleasant body smells
noun, American English - a coin worth one tenth of a dollar
noun - one of a series of newspapers etc., one broadcast of a series of TV programmes
noun - a paper cover for a letter
noun - a mass of small bubbles that form on the surface of a liquid
noun - a place where you can change your clothes, especially before playing sports
noun, British English - a person who sells medicine, shampoo, soap etc.
noun, British English - a sweater, a knitted piece of clothing for the upper part of the body
adjective - located between two or more things
noun - a person who sells newspapers and magazines
noun - a number of things wrapped together and tied with a string, esp. for sending by post
noun - a round clay or metal container
noun - the currency used in the UK
noun - a wooden board fastened to the wall, you can put books, decorative objects, etc. on it
noun - a statement of how large or small something is
adjective - painful esp. because of infection or heavy use (e.g. throat, feet etc.)
noun - the part of the body that is located between the chest and the hip, the belly
adjective - certain, knowing something for certain
noun - the front part of the neck, especially the tube in it; the back part of your mouth
noun - a kind of a handkerchief made from very soft paper
verb - to ask yourself questions, to keep thinking about
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