Vydáno dne 03.10.2005
Hollywood kids
noun - the things that a person would like to achieve in his life
noun - concentrating on something
verb - to praise yourself, usually in front of other people
noun - coins and banknotes
verb - to see pictures in your head while you are sleeping
noun - a chemical used as medicine
verb - to give work to somebody
adverb - sufficiently, as much as is needed, to a sufficient degree
adjective - unrestrained (e.g in spending money, giving gifts, etc.)
adjective - travelling at a high speed, not slow
adjective - especially exciting and attractive
noun - a being that some people believe in, pray to etc. because they believe he has a supernatural power over the whole world
adjective - handsome, pretty
verb - to become mature or adult
noun - a person whose job is to drive a car for somebody
noun - the period of your life when you are a child
noun - a method of cosmetic surgery that is used to remove fat from under the skin
noun - appearance, the way something looks
noun - a specialist who studies food and drink and how people digest it
noun - somebody's thought or thoughts about something
adjective - average and normal, not different from others
noun - a happy feeling of satisfaction
adjective - not having much money, not wealthy
adjective - having a lot of money and wealth, not poor
noun - doing something too quickly; a situation in which you do something very quickly, esp. because there isn't enough time
adjective - connected with meeting people
adjective - having a character which was harmed by being allowed to do everything you want and getting everything you want
noun - a medical operation on the body involving cutting open the skin etc.
adjective - not known
adjective - not real
noun - how much something is worth
noun - extreme force
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