Vydáno dne 03.10.2005
Donna Flynn and Terry Wiseman
verb - to say that somebody has done something illegal or morally wrong
noun - the succession of jobs you have
verb - to move smoothly, used especially about water, time etc.
noun - a football player
noun - the ability to do what you want; the right to do what you want
verb - to make something different, to become different
noun - something said that is not true
noun - the things carried by a ship or truck etc.
adjective - offering great comfort, of superior quality
noun, informal - a friend
adverb - in a way that is easy to see or understand
verb - to move apart, to split or divide something
adjective - feeling nervous about talking to people, especially strangers
adjective - not hard or firm, usually comfortable
verb - to stop being boyfriend and girlfriend / husband and wife etc., to break such a relationship
verb - to go bad; to ruin something
noun - knowing what is nice or pretty and what is not
noun, British English, informal - a box with a glass screen, where we can watch films, series and other programmes
adjective - complete, adding everything together
noun - the belief in somebody's honesty, sincerity etc
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