Vydáno dne 03.10.2005
verb - to love something very much
adverb - in the end
adverb - in a careful way, not carelessly
adverb - more than is usual, particularly
adjective - getting angry unnecessarily, giving too much attention to details
noun - the quality of being good, kind etc.
noun - a game for two people played on a black and white board, each player has 16 playing pieces and must capture the opponent's king
adverb - only
adverb - having no others
noun - the currency used in the UK
adverb - at fixed times, with the same amount of time between each thing
noun - a white substance that is used in cooking in order to preserve food or to improve the taste, it is present in the water of the seas and oceans
adverb - in a way that it takes a long time, not quickly
adverb - up to now, since then, not having stopped
adjective - not letting people disobey rules etc. and punish them if they do
adverb - regularly, normally
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