Vydáno dne 03.10.2005
Do´s and don´ts
noun - a vehicle used for transporting sick or injured people quickly to hospital
verb - to pick up the receiver when the phone is ringing
verb - to disagree with somebody and talk about it
noun - a person who designs buildings, houses etc.
noun - a person whose job is to produce art, e.g. painter, sculptor, etc.
noun - a document that states how much you have paid or how much you have to pay (e.g. in a restaurant, or from a telephone company)
adjective - sure, confident, knowing something
noun - a person whose job is to paint and decorate houses and buildings
noun - a person, usually a policeman, who tries to solve crimes
noun - a person whose job is to grow vegetables and grains, work in the field etc.
noun - a person whose job is to stop a fire and save people
noun - a woman who doesn't go to work but takes care of the house and family
adverb - in/on/to the inner part of something
noun - a person who takes coal or iron ore etc. from the ground
adjective - causing strong feelings; having very strong feelings concerning love and romance
noun - a person whose job is to work with water pipes, central heating etc.
noun - a person who works in a hotel, and their job is to check in and check out guests, give them keys etc.
noun - a person who works in a shop, helps you with your shopping and collects money for what you buy
verb - to speak very loudly, e.g. at somebody who is far from you etc.
adjective - connected with meeting people
noun - a person who is in the army
noun - a person whose job is to take people to a place by car (the people pay for the journey)
noun - the clothes of soldiers, policemen, etc. that are the same for all of them
noun - a doctor who treats animals
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